I appreciate your optimism, Doron. I hope you’re right.
Having participated in the New York contemporary art world since 1978 (Just a few years before Reaganomics, then during) I’m mostly discouraged by neoliberalism’s effect on it. Not only on the contemporary art market, with its new crop of “speculectors” distorting, if not destroying, the real value of art, but the market’s effect on arts education, arts funding, and the artists themselves—how they think about and make work: with the market in mind. It is precisely of this mindset that art, by its very definition, is not.
While our digital age has undoubtedly opened up opportunity, I’m not confident it hasn’t become fully absorbed as the latest apparatus in service to neoliberal economic hegemony.
I asked you this before. Do you know of other publications here on Medium that seriously consider contemporary art?